I am married to my dream come true wife, Lidiette, and have two daughters, Alessandra and Camila, with one more on the way. My lifetime goal of changing the world is well on the way, but I also understand that “saving one, means saving the world.”

I stay busy (I run 2 For-Profits and 2 Non-profits), but I understand that to truly realize the positive change I want to see in the world, I will have to multiply my efforts by investing into others and empowering them. At the end of the day, whether my name is attached to the change or someone I empowered helps bring about that change… what matters most is that the change takes place.

I have decided to Coach and Consult with individuals and businesses to help them achieve the success and purpose they were created for. I have resources and processes, that have been acquired through learning and experiences, that can help others by partnering with their skills and talents to go to the next level.

My achievements, so far, include co-founding a company that has become a national brand, authoring 2 books, becoming a Chaplain for the Houston Rockets, Life Coach & Purpose Speaker for over a decade and one of my proudest achievements has been providing over 215,000 meals for poor children in South America. We, through our non-profit Love Bought International, have an orphanage that houses 40 girls in Soacha, Colombia.

I have experienced great love and grace in my life that has caused me to be thankful and compassionate towards humanity. I would love to be a part of your journey and help you reach the destiny you were created for. The secret of unity is that two is not just the addition of one, but the multiplication of possibilities.



